PhillipsFilms Ltd. is the production company of Cohen Phillips, independent filmmaker for 17 years. Here is where you'll find insight into some of the film projects going on right now. Go here to see some of our films we make...
"Love Lifted Me" nearing completion
Published Wednesday, September 21, 2005 by C. Phillips | E-mail this post
I'm happy to report that LOVE LIFTED ME is nearing completion. The movie has cut together so far so good and I'm just finishing that up. Also the main titles are being worked on and should be done within this month. I'm planning on having a premiere of this movie(as well as showing a few others along with it this fall.) I'll keep you all updated on the progress of the movie. :)
Also is having another 6-week film contest that started back on the 16th. I think I'm going to try and shoot something for it. Just thinking up some ideas for it. More on this later...
About me
- I'm C. Phillips
- From Saint Joseph, Missouri, United States
- I'm an independent filmmaker in the Midwest. I've recently been given the opportunity to direct a stage play. I'm also co-organizer of the Harold Lloyd Birthday Bash in Burchard, NE.
- My profile
B5Media Blog Network Launches
P.S. Just off to launch my own blog network, I'd happily give my bloggers 75% of the revenue and still have trouble sleeping at night thinking I was a cpaitalist pig exploiting the workers.
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