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Walter Armentrout 1950-2007

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We've lost a very dear friend and actor today March 4th 2007. We got a call at about 5:30pm telling us the news that Walter Armentrout, that we worked with on Voice of the Dead made in 2003, had passed away. We are greatly sadden by this lost. Wally was such a wonderful guy to be around. He made you feel at ease and put a smile on your face for sure! He had a great wit about him that lent itself so well to the role he played in Voice of the Dead as Bob the Butler. Not only did he act in the film he provided his house as the location for the movie. Without Wally and his wife Kathy that film would have never been made.

A little less than a year ago they moved to Florida but we remained in contact. It was a lot of fun working with Wally and he was such a natural at what he could do. I was longing to work with him again one day. One of these days we that big movie set in heaven. Thanks Wally for your friendship and your devotion to your craft. I will never forget the impact you've had on me and all the rest of the cast and crew here at PhillipsFilms. May you rest in peace my friend. -Cohen Phillips

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  • I'm C. Phillips
  • From Saint Joseph, Missouri, United States
  • I'm an independent filmmaker in the Midwest. I've recently been given the opportunity to direct a stage play. I'm also co-organizer of the Harold Lloyd Birthday Bash in Burchard, NE.
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