PhillipsFilms Ltd. is the production company of Cohen Phillips, independent filmmaker for 17 years. Here is where you'll find insight into some of the film projects going on right now. Go here to see some of our films we make...
Published Thursday, April 12, 2007 by C. Phillips | E-mail this post
Lip-Stick our newest silent film shot on Super 8 is now online for your viewing pleasure. It was a lot of fun making it and I hope you'll enjoy it. This was one of the films that was shown last week at our premiere. The rest of the films shown will find there way online soon.
It's divided into 2 parts. Part 1 Part 2
In this silent film we find the "little fellow" up to his old tricks. But along the way he meets a girl named Ruby that really "sticks" to him.
Find out what happens in this tribute film to the great Charlie Chaplin.
(This being the 30th Anniversay of Chaplin's death 1977-2007)
SHOT SUPER 8! This is a "REEL" FILM folks!
Damian Blake-The Little Fellow
Charla Phillips-Ruby
Laura Blake-Wanda
Cohen Phillips-Arthur
About me
- I'm C. Phillips
- From Saint Joseph, Missouri, United States
- I'm an independent filmmaker in the Midwest. I've recently been given the opportunity to direct a stage play. I'm also co-organizer of the Harold Lloyd Birthday Bash in Burchard, NE.
- My profile
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