Return to the Woods Memories Part I-Aug 7th 2002
Published Wednesday, August 08, 2007 by C. Phillips | E-mail this post
(The first cast photo from Aug 7th 2002.)
August 8th 2002 we were out shooting Return to the Woods! We didn't have any interior cabin set at the time so we shot all the outside woods scenes first. I remember it was a pretty hot day out. And from filming on the 1st day(Aug 7th 2002) and this day I knew we had a great cast together and it was going to be a lot of fun shooting this. On this 2nd day of filming we shot 'the evil force' slamming into a tree and knocking it down almost crushing poor Derick(Anthony Myers) Everyone did all there own stunts here folks! haha Even Anthony peeing his pants, but more on that later.
The shoot would go into several weeks in production. With a week or two that went by with nothing done because school started back in session. And all of us were in school at that time. :) So here are are few "flashback" photos from our 1st and 2nd day of shooting Return to the Woods. As more dates come along we filmed on I'll post a mini-retrospective of that day plus photos ect. So stay tuned for an 'axe'clusive look back at the making of Return to the Woods and what's to follow.
(Shots from Aug 7th and Aug 8th 2002 shooting)Labels: Anthony Myers, Charla Phillips, Cohen Phillips, Evil Dead, fan film, Laura Bilecki, PhillipsFilms, Return to the Woods, Steven McClurg, tribute film
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