PhillipsFilms Ltd. is the production company of Cohen Phillips, independent filmmaker for 17 years. Here is where you'll find insight into some of the film projects going on right now. Go here to see some of our films we make...
Published Tuesday, August 07, 2007 by C. Phillips | E-mail this post
The hype is finally over and the cat is out of the bag. Return to the Woods 5th Anniversary teaser is now up on the net.
You can find the video above or go here. This special teaser trailer marks the 5th Anniversary of Evil Dead:Return to the Woods a non-profit fan/tribute film. Production started on August 7th of 2002. Could there be more out there in the woods? Keep your Axe sharp and stay tuned!
I'm an independent filmmaker in the Midwest. I've recently been given the opportunity to direct a stage play. I'm also co-organizer of the Harold Lloyd Birthday Bash in Burchard, NE.
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