RTTW Memories Part II-Aug 12 2002
Published Sunday, August 12, 2007 by C. Phillips | E-mail this post
On this date in 2002 we were shooting the first of the basement shots for Return to the Woods. The basement wasn't apart of the cabin set interior we used. The basement is the one we have under our own house. In the 5 years that have passed from shooting this it could still be used as nothing much has changed down there. Well maybe a few more cobwebs.
The scenes only involed myself, Cohen Phillips(playing the charcter of James) Anthony Myers(Derick) and Charla Phillips(Geri). Laura Bilecki came and helped behind the scenes for this scene as well serving as script girl. Here is the group below from that night of filming.The shooting went fairly smoothly from what I can remember. The basement isn't a full basement it's dug out. So getting down there can be tricky. I know Anthony bumped his head once on a pipe. It was so good and he thought it would be funny that we did a take with him hitting his head. This didn't make it into the final cut but with the re-edit coming soon I think I'm going to put it back in. In this scene also we find the Book of the Dead and famous tape player with the translations sayings on it that awake the dead. We had a few hints and nods to the Evil Dead series and creators in this scene. Some of the takes with alterative lines will be used in the re-edit of the film that will be coming soon and that will be up on the net.
I've had some people email me asking me if Return to the Woods is on the net and it is. Just go here to view the film online. Below are a few more photos from that night's worth of filming.
Anthony Myers as Derick in Return to the WoodsCohen Phillips as James in Return to the WoodsEhhhh...a cobweb disrupts are filming!A nutty cast indeed!Labels: Anthony Myers, Book fo the Dead, Charla Phillips, Cohen Phillips, Evil Dead, fan film, Laura Bilecki, Return to the Woods, tribute film
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