RTTW Memories Part III -Aug 15th 2002
Published Wednesday, August 15, 2007 by C. Phillips | E-mail this post
5 years ago today we were out at night shooting woods scenes of Laura Bilecki getting attacked by veins and pulled through the woods. I remember it was pretty nice out that night not to humid. Laura was the only one in the scene so Steven,Anthony and myself stayed behind the camera. Laura was a real trooper and got right out there and did everything. No complaining. I haven't worked with any actresses like her that would let us tie veins around her and let us drag her through the woods.Anthony's dad came and gave us power with the generator that night as I didn't have a power inverter at the time.So now with Laura's attack all finished up(we had to do some re-shoots later on but more on that when the date comes around) we were almost complete with the outside shooting. We still hadn't found an interior set for the cabin. But we would find one soon enough and it would prove a great place for the rest of our film shoot. Till n(axe)t time...Labels: Anthony Myers, Cohen Phillips, Evil Dead, fan film, independent film, Laura Bilecki, PhillipsFilms, Return to the Woods, Steven McClurg
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